Booking and Payment Process on ZenBooking
After your listing is published on ZenBooking, clients can view it and submit booking requests. The client is required to pay a 10% deposit when making the booking request. This deposit is only processed after you confirm the booking in your client zone and is retained by ZenBooking as a commission fee. You are responsible for arranging the remaining payment directly with the client.
How It Works:
- Deposit payment through ZenBooking
- ZenBooking will collect a 10% deposit from the client at the time of booking.
- This payment will only be processed once you confirm the booking and availability.
- You have 48 hours to confirm the booking before the booking request will expire.
- The 10% deposit will be retained by ZenBooking as our commission (service fee).
- The remaining balance is paid directly to you by the client.
- The remaining 90% of the booking value must be arranged directly between you and the client.
- You are responsible for agreeing on the payment method and timeline with the client.
- Important Payment Rule
- You may only charge the client up to 90% of the booking value, as the 10% deposit retained by ZenBooking is part of the total payment for the retreat or venue booking.
- Cancellations and Refunds
- If a cancellation happens, you are responsible for refunding the client fully or partially, based on your cancellation policy. ZenBooking will refund the deposit (our commission fee) to you once you provide proof of the refund made to the client.
- To process this refund, you must provide proof that the remaining 90% balance has been refunded to the client.
NOTE: Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process full payments through the ZenBooking platform due to complications with the Stripe payment provider. There have been ongoing issues with account restrictions for partners and limitations in many popular retreat destinations such as India, Costa Rica, Morocco, Indonesia, and others. We hope this arrangement works well for you, and we will keep you updated should we resume handling payments on your behalf.