Add reviews to your listing

In our effort to enhance your listing on ZenBooking, we offer the functionality to include reviews from external sources such as Facebook, Google, Trip Advisor, your website and others. These will appear as external reviews on your listing, highlighted with the logo of the original platform. Conversely, reviews submitted by guests who booked your retreat or venue via ZenBooking will be tagged as ZenBooking reviews.

The reviews that you add to your listing will be visible on your listing in this form. 

How can I add the reviews from external sources? 


1. In your listing overview section, click "Add Reviews" below your listing cover picture.

2. The Add Reviews Form 

  • Ensure you select the correct listing if you have multiple listings.
  • Paste the review text.
  • Choose the correct source of the listing.
  • State the date when the review was made.

3. Save and Publish

Complete all required fields and save your entry. Your review will be forwarded for admin approval. Once approved, it will be displayed on your listing.

Guidelines for reviews publishing


NO URL LINKS and CONTACT INFORMATION: It's important to note that reviews should not contain URL links or contact details directing to your retreat or venue.

LANGUAGE POLICY: Reviews must be primarily in English. However, for listings in languages other than English, reviews can be in both English and the listing's language.

RETREATS: It's crucial to ensure that reviews are directly relevant to the specific retreats. While we recognize some retreats may be one-off events, you are permitted to include reviews about past retreats or those that mention you as the organizer. In such instances, the name and location of the referenced retreat should be clearly stated.

VENUES: For venue listings, we ask that you only use reviews that are pertinent to your establishment's role as a retreat centre. We encourage submissions from retreat facilitators who have hosted events at your venue. Reviews from standard vacation rental experiences should be avoided. Our goal is to provide organizers with meaningful feedback for their decision-making process regarding your venue as a potential retreat destination.


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